Transformative Leadership Coaching

I help high performance people thrive.

Get the results you envision, reconnect with meaning and purpose, and live life at your full potential.

In-Person Coaching (Chicago & North Shore clients)
& Virtual Coaching (North American & EU clients)

You have a sense of the barriers that are limiting

your ability to live life at your best.

  • Personal

    What is missing in my approach, or in the way of my progress?

    “My results are lagging.”
    Why am I struggling to improve?

    “Our team is struggling.”
    How should I lead differently?

    “My workload is overwhelming.”
    How can I manage more effectively?

    “Our strategy is not working.”
    How should I change my approach?

    “My role has high expectations.”
    How will I live up to my potential?

  • Professional

    How could I lead differently, and toward my full creative potential?

    Where could improvement create better outcomes?

    How could my presence and communication be more effective?

    How could I approach improving ownership and accountability?

    How could I improve my adaptability and resilience for continual change?

    How would I approach improving my emotional intelligence?

  • Transitional

    How could I move into my next chapter with purpose and confidence?

    I know where I want to go, but getting there is increasingly frustrating.

    I struggle envisioning and creating a path to move toward my next chapter.

    I feel the weight of the significance and challenge of moving from familiar territory to uncharted water.

You are born to achieve success, enjoy life, and experience fulfillment.

  • Live Purposefully

    Connect what drives you and gives you meaning to your impact on the world and the people you inspire.

  • Lead Courageously

    Unlock your full potential and guide others by your own light, fearlessly paving the way for meaningful change.

  • Move Confidently

    Trust in your abilities and emboldened by your courage to manifest the bright future you envision.

I get it. Your role makes it difficult to create time for personal growth and breakthroughs.

We know we are capable of anything, yet breakthrough moments seem random and attainable only through relentless persistence.

And when they do happen, we feel relief to have found a way, and frustration that it took so long.

At a high point in my career of leadership and executive roles in media and technology, a life-altering breakthrough was set in motion after being air-lifted out of the Cascade Mountains with a life-threatening injury. The pace of my professional and personal life came to a full stop. Recovery was a challenging experience, and presented hard questions about meaning and purpose.

The self-realization came into focus after immersive study of self-determination theory, neurolinguistics, cognitive behavioral therapy, and positive psychology.

To help others learn how to effectively approach the challenges that shape who we are, and want to become.

Today, I work with leaders and executives determined to live at their best and make the most of their talents and gifts. Through change, to purpose, by way of personal discovery and development of possibility. And empowerment to move toward their vision of enduring change and meaningful impact.

I do not have all the answers, but I do know how to ask the right questions. And I look forward to our conversation about what you are working toward, and how we might work together to realize your vision.

A simple, dynamic approach tailored to you.

Successful coaching collaboration creates enduring change, and encourages, supports, and moves your behaviors and actions toward your inspired vision.

We work together through a process of reflective inquiry to develop a holistic understanding of the challenge, envisioned outcome, and the connections or obstacle(s) in thinking that are limiting progress.

  • 1: Challenge & Objective

  • 2: Situation, Context, Goals

  • 3: Development Plan & Actions

  • 4: Recalibrate, Refine, Track

  • 5: Assess, Reflect, Long-range plan

What your program might look, sound, and feel like is determined by what you are currently experiencing, and how you envision that experience being different. You may even have an idea what you believe may be impeding or limiting your ability to realize that vision, in which case we can begin from there.

Significant change requires deep work.

This level of tailored coaching limits how many clients I can work with at any given time. 

Most client programs are challenge-focused with 60-90 minute coaching sessions scheduled 1-2x per month for approximately 3-6 months. However, each client situation is different and planned accordingly. The structure and consistency of scheduled sessions, and the momentum the process creates, provides the space to make significant change in a cumulative way.

Before any discussion about availability or proposals, let’s have an initial conversation to learn about your goal or intention, determine if I can help move you toward that objective, and how we might work together.

If you would like to have that conversation, let’s connect!

  • Executive Leadership Coaching
  • Hudson Certified Coach
  • Leadership Circle Profile Certified
  • Collective Leadership Assessment Certified
  • Executive Leadership Coaching

“ Neither coach nor leader can adapt and change until we are willing to step onto the balcony and gain new views of ourselves. ”

Pamela McLean

“ Some people use language to describe the lives they lead, and other people use language to create the lives they lead. Your mind was given to you to create the person you want to be. ”

Steve Chandler

“ Remember how long you’ve been putting this off, how many extensions the gods gave you, and you didn’t use them. At some point you have to recognize what the world is that you belong to; what power rules it and from what source you spring; that there is a limit to the time assigned you, and if you don’t use it to free yourself it will be gone and will never return. ”

Marcus Aurelius